
Once at least one web crawler route has been configured, you can visit http(s):// to see what the robots.txt file will return to web crawler bots.

Example appsettings.json

  "WebCrawler": {
    // Determines whether or not to use the honey pot trap service.
    "UseHoneyPotService": false,
    // Defines the honey pot route to trap any web crawler bots that discover it.
    // Web crawler details (UserAgent and IP Address) will be log to `honeypot.txt` in the plugins root folder.
    "HoneyPotRoute": "/identity/reveal",
    // Determines whether or not to process static files. (i.e. .js, .css, images, etc)
    "ProcessStaticFiles": false,
    // Defines the static file extensions to ignore or include, depending on `ProcessStaticFiles` value.
    "StaticFileExtensions": [
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*"