

Parses raw proto data received and inserts/upserts data entities into a MySQL compatible database.

Hosted Services


Soft deletes Pokestop and Gym forts that have not been seen within S2 cells. This will not permanently delete the entities from the database but instead set the deleted database columns to true as well as the enabled columns to false.


  // Hosts allowed to access.
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  // Determines whether automatic migrations are enabled when set to `true`.
  // Otherwise manual migrations are required. i.e. `dotnet ef database update`.
  "AutomaticMigrations": true,
  "Cache": {
    // Memory cache settings.
    "CompactionPercentage": 0.25,
    // Expiration time limit for entities in minutes.
    "EntityExpiryLimitM": 30,
    // Entity names to cache (leave as is if you don't know what you're doing).
    "EntityTypeNames": [
    // Interval at which cached entities are checked to see if expired or not.
    "ExpirationScanFrequencyM": 5,
    // Size limit of memory cache.
    "SizeLimit": 10240
  // ChuckDeviceconfigurator endpoint url.
  "ConfiguratorUrl": "",
  // Database connection strings.
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Uid=cdcuser;Password=cdcpass123;Host=;Port=3306;Database=cdcdb;old guids=true;Allow User Variables=true;"
  // Determines whether to convert MAD proto data to compatible payload format.
  "ConvertMadData": false,
  // Database settings.
  "Database": {
    // Maximum timeout in seconds before a command is aborted.
    "CommandTimeoutS": 30,
    // Maximum timeout in seconds before a connection is determined as a leak.
    // When a connection is assumed a leak, it is aborted.
    "ConnectionLeakTimeoutS": 300,
    // Maximum timeout in seconds before a connection is aborted.
    "ConnectionTimeoutS": 30,
    // Maximum amount of retries upon failed connection.
    "MaximumRetryCount": 30,
    // Connection pool size.
    "PoolSize": 1024,
    // Timeout in seconds between attemping failed connections.
    "RetryIntervalS": 10
  // gRPC listener endpoints.
  "Grpc": {
    // gRPC listener endpoint of ChuckDeviceConfigurator. Used to relay scanned Pokemon statistics, trainer account information, as well as gym information.
    "Configurator": "http://localhost:5002",
    // gRPC listener endpoint of ChuckDeviceCommunicator. Used to relay processed data entities ready to send to configured webhook endpoints.
    "Communicator": "http://localhost:5003"
  /* Reference: */
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Debug",
      "Grpc.Core": "None",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware": "None",
      "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore": "Information",
      "ChuckDeviceConfigurator": "Trace",
      "ChuckDeviceController": "Trace",
      "ChuckDeviceCommunicator": "Trace"
    "ColorConsole": {
      "LogLevel": {
        "Default": "Trace",
        "Grpc.Core": "None",
        "Grpc.Net.Client": "Warning",
        "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning",
        "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware": "None",
        "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore": "Warning",
        "Microsoft.Extensions": "Warning",
        "System.Net.Http.HttpClient": "Warning",
        "ChuckDeviceConfigurator": "Trace",
        "ChuckDeviceController": "Trace",
        "ChuckDeviceCommunicator": "Trace"
      "LogLevelColorMap": {
        "Trace": "Cyan",
        "Debug": "DarkGray",
        "Information": "White",
        "Warning": "Yellow",
        "Error": "Red",
        "Critical": "DarkRed"
      "UseTimestamp": true,
      "UseUnix": false,
      "TimestampFormat": "{0:HH}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}"
    "Console": {
      "LogLevel": {
        "Default": "Debug",
        "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning",
        "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware": "None",
        "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore": "Information",
        "Microsoft.Extensions": "Information",
        "ChuckDeviceConfigurator": "Trace",
        "ChuckDeviceController": "Trace",
        "ChuckDeviceCommunicator": "Trace"
    "File": {
      "Path": "bin/debug/logs/{0:yyyy}-{0:MM}-{0:dd}.log",
      "Append": true,
      "MinLevel": "Debug",
      "FileSizeLimitBytes": 0, // use to activate rolling file behaviour
      "MaxRollingFiles": 0 // use to specify max number of log files
  "GymOptions": {
    "ExRaidBossId": 150,
    "ExRaidBossForm": 0
  "PokemonOptions": {
    "EnablePvp": false,
    "EnableMapPokemon": false,
    "EnableWeatherIvClearing": false,
    "SaveSpawnpointLastSeen": true
  // Default Pokestop settings.
  "PokestopOptions": {
    // Lure time in seconds (Default: 30 seconds)
    "LureTimeS": 1800
  // Data processing settings.
  "ProcessingOptions": {
    // Proto processing service settings.
    "Protos": {
      // Interval in seconds between batch processing of received protos.
      "IntervalS": 3,
      "LogLevel": "Summary",
      // Show processing benchmark times. (i.e. `Processed 64 protos in 1.234s`)
      "ShowProcessingTimes": true,
      // Show processing benchmark counts. (i.e. `Processed 1/20 weather cells`)
      "ShowProcessingCount": true,
      // Decimal precision of benchmark times when `ShowProcessingTimes` is enabled.
      "DecimalPrecision": 5,
      // Determines whether AR quests are allowed or not.
      "AllowArQuests": true,
      // Determines whether to process map/lure Pokemon encounters.
      "ProcessMapPokemon": true,
      // Determines whether to process gym defenders or not.
      "ProcessGymDefenders": true,
      // Determines whether to process gym trainers or not.
      "ProcessGymTrainers": true,
      // Proto processing queue settings.
      "Queue": {
        // Maximum amount of protos to batch when processing.
        "MaximumBatchSize": 100,
        // Maximum size of queue before warning message is shown.
        "MaximumSizeWarning": 1024,
        // Maximum queue capacity.
        "MaximumQueueCapacity": 10240
    // Data entities processing service settings.
    "Data": {
      // Soft delete any forts that have upgraded, downgraded, or removed.
      "ClearOldForts": true,
      // Interval in seconds between batch processing data entities.
      "IntervalS": 3,
      "LogLevel": "Summary",
      // Show processing benchmark times. (i.e. `Processed 1422 entities in 1.234s`)
      "ShowProcessingTimes": true,
      // Show processing benchmark counts. (i.e. `Processed 1/20 weather cells`) Disabled by default and should only be used for debugging.
      "ShowProcessingCount": false,
      // Decimal precision of benchmark times when `ShowProcessingTimes` is enabled.
      "DecimalPrecision": 4,
      // Concurrency level for processing data entities. Basically how many parsers active at once.
      "ParsingConcurrencyLevel": 15,
      // Concurrency level for bulk inserting.
      "EntityInsertConcurrencyLevel": 5,
      // Concurrency level of data entity queries to the database.
      "EntityQueryConcurrencyLevel": 10,
      // Maximum time to wait in seconds before timeout when querying data entities.
      "EntityQueryWaitTimeS": 15,
      // Determines whether or not to process player account protos.
      "ProcessPlayerData": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process S2 cell protos.
      "ProcessCells": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process S2 client weather cell protos.
      "ProcessWeather": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process fort protos.
      "ProcessForts": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process fort details protos.
      "ProcessFortDetails": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process Gym info protos.
      "ProcessGymInfo": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process Gym defenders from `GymInfo`.
      "ProcessGymDefenders": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process Gym trainers from `GymInfo` protos.
      "ProcessGymTrainers": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process Pokestop incidents.
      "ProcessIncidents": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process wild Pokemon protos.
      "ProcessWildPokemon": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process nearby Pokemon protos.
      "ProcessNearbyPokemon": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process map/lure Pokemon protos.
      "ProcessMapPokemon": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process Pokestop quest protos.
      "ProcessQuests": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process Pokemon encounter protos.
      "ProcessEncounters": true,
      // Determines whether or not to process Pokemon disk encounter protos.
      "ProcessDiskEncounters": true,
      // Data entity processing queue settings.
      "Queue": {
        // Maximum amount of entities to batch when processing.
        "MaximumBatchSize": 100,
        // Maximum size of queue before warning message is shown.
        "MaximumSizeWarning": 1024,
        // Maximum queue capacity.
        "MaximumQueueCapacity": 10240
      // The amount of time to leave S2 cells in cache before updating it in
      // the database when it has been seen before the specified interval.
      "CellScanIntervalS": 900,
      // The amount of time to leave S2 client weather cells in cache before
      // updating it in the database when it has been seen before the
      // specified interval.
      "WeatherCellScanIntervalS": 1800
    // Data entity consumer service settings.
    "Consumer": {
      // Interval in seconds between batch insert/upsert of processed data entities.
      "IntervalS": 5,
      "LogLevel": "Summary",
      // Show processing benchmark times. (i.e. `Consumed 1422 entities in 1.234s`)
      "ShowProcessingTimes": true,
      // Not currently used.
      "ShowProcessingCount": true,
      // Decimal precision of benchmark times when `ShowProcessingTimes` is enabled.
      "DecimalPrecision": 4,
      // Not currently used. Transactions are always used.
      "UseTransactions": true,
      // Data entity consumer processing queue settings.
      "Queue": {
        // Maximum amount of entities to batch upsert.
        "MaximumBatchSize": 5000,
        // Maximum size of queue before warning message is shown.
        "MaximumSizeWarning": 10240,
        // Maximum queue capacity.
        "MaximumQueueCapacity": 1048576
      // Concurrency level for consuming processed data entities. Basically how many parsers active at once * CPU core count.
      "QueueConcurrencyLevelMultiplier": 10
  // Statistics database triggers settings.
  "StatisticTriggers": {
    // Determines whether to enable Pokemon database triggers. (Not currently used)
    "Pokemon": false
  // Listening endpoint and port to receive proto data from devices. Multiple endpoints are supported, use semicolons (`;`) as delimiter between endpoints.
  "Urls": "http://*:8888",
  // Webhook settings.
  "Webhooks": {
    // Determines whether to relay webhook payloads to ChuckDeviceCommunicator.
    "Enabled": false